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Minnesota Family Dispute Resolution

If you need an alternative way to settle your family and custody disputes, and you wish to avoid the trauma and high costs associated with litigation ... Learn More
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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) that Works

When parties and parents get entangled in troubled relationships, a quailfied neutral can guide them towards middle ground. The fact is that most people who have to go to court to legally address matters almost always settle their case. The risk is that you will settle in a way that doesn't address legitimate concerns that one or both sides may have. It seems to work best if you take the time to have a professional facilitate the discussions, so that each side is heard. The neutral can then help find a solution that you can present to the court as a mutually acceptable settlement. The court always looks to see if the agreement is reasonable and where children are involved, the terms are in their best interests.

Joseph Bluth is a qualified neutral under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Supreme Court and conducts Family Law and Custody Mediations, Social and Financial Early Neutral Evaluations (SENE/FENE) and Moderated Settlement Conferences. He is also certified by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers to perform arbitraitions and is ALI-ABA Trained as Federal and State Special Master and Consensual Special Magistrate.

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A Highly Experienced Approach
image Serving clients throughout southern Minnesota and the southwestern metro/Minnetonka Lake area of the Twin Cities.

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